At what time does it come? Do we wait until we’ve crossed some physical or proverbial finish line to dance, sing, and feel joy in our hearts? Or can we choose to celebrate in any moment? The fact that you are reading this now means you are a miracle; you were chosen. The odds of you being born were 1 in 4 trillion…maybe 1 in 4 quadrillion!
I believe that the aura and essence of celebration can be felt in every moment. Much like we hold manifold archetypes (the Martyr, the Saboteur, the Queen, the Warrior(ista), etc. etc. ), we can hold manifold emotions at once…
Joy is one that is always there.
I advocate for doing and thinking more things that activate your Joy Sense. More actions that bring Joy into the spotlight to dance, sing, and twirl in your Heart. When you do, your whole body gets lifted and the whole world around you celebrates osmotically. You do a good deed for all.
Of course, there are times to be more stern and serious—physiologically locked into a mode of concentration that will pull out your very best work, keep you deeply attuned in a conversation with a loved one, or keep the heat inside of your body after exiting an ice bath cold 🥶.
But, even in the grittier, more serious moments, you. can be Joy. I mean, can you?
Can you be generous enough in your loving-kindness to accept Joy alongside Pain, Jealousy, Frustration, and Fear? Can you still see her, honor her, give her the warm shoulder rub she deserves for all of the positive emotion she brings to your human balance?
I believe this is both the challenge and the opportunity woven into one: to be both light and heavy at once.
“I believe this is both the challenge and the opportunity woven into one: to be both light and heavy at once.”
This is the Yin and the Yang, the Hard and the Soft, the Stone and the Feather, the Dark and the Bright, the Ebb and the Flow, the Up and the Down, The In and the Out, and the Low and the High.
All of it.
It requires gumption to accept.
It is brave…it can feel mighty scary…it can seem incredibly impossible at times.
I’ve thought to myself, perhaps casting the question to G-d: but I am just one tiny human bean…what do you expect of me? when it feels like I have to choose the exactly right goblet to pour my smoothie of emotions into.
The point/reward of whole acceptance is not to meet anyone’s expectations outside of you; it is simply and beautifully to give yourself the conditions to flourish within.
“The point/reward of whole acceptance is not to meet anyone’s expectations outside of you; it is simply and beautifully to give yourself the conditions to flourish within.”
So that, when a smile crosses your path, you can feel the smile return in your heart.
So that, when a man grabs your hand and pulls you onto the dance floor, you can jolt out of your ego, shielded state and join the dance par-tay!
So that, when you receive the opportunity to join a dinner party with friends old and new, you can say “Yes,” join the table, and forego your own perfectly planned Paleo meal.
Because, you see, two smiles generate far more happiness than one on its own.
Because, you see, a dynamic, unpredictable dance is far more exciting than one done solo.
Because, you see, a gluten and cheese-filled meal accompanied by uproarious laughter and curious conversations is far more nourishing than a meal of the perfectly selected ingredients.
This beckons the question: how do we bring more Joy into our lives? 🤷♀️
The answer is simple: like every over thing we want to become better at: P-R-A-C-T-I-C-E.
Practice…what exactly?
There are two things to practice:
Practice Noticing Joy When It Shows Up.
Notice the everyday moments, every day, when Joy knocks on your Heart’s door, showing up to say “Hi!”-notice when Joy flutters through your fascia, fans your soul, and makes you feel some kind of sweet way
-in the ordinary moments, too; maybe especially
When Life feels like nothing more than connected dashes of doldrum moments, notice the tiny butterfly whose delicate little wings generate enough propulsion to create flight. And to tap even deeper into the wonder, awe, and delight granted by witnessing that creatures can fly. WOW!
What does that knowing inspire inside of you?!Practice Acting Out Joy.
Act out Joy with effective rituals. This is a necessary step and series of repeated steps—each fresh in its feeling, to awaken Joy from its, too necessary slumbers and elevate its charge throughout your body.-every person’s resonant, resident rituals make up a unique potpourri practice
-what in this magical world lights you up?
I recommend you start with just ONE practice that lights you up from the inside-out, makes you want to Rise Up, give to others and the World, connects you to a deep sense of self-reverence and self-love. Together, that ignites Joy.
One ritual I have found to be awesome, enticing, and expansive is the OSHO Dynamic Meditation.
In this off-the-beaten-path meditation, you—the practitioner, first dance, move, roar, “hoo” and “ha” the chaotic energy of your mind out of your body before settling into stillness and silence. It is a formatted flow designed for what Osho would call the “Western Mind,” a mind filled with clutter of opinions, advertisements, worries, and general neurosis.
If you are like me, this dynamic meditation makes perfect sense.
But I really encourage you to not just nod your chin and agree; rather, to put it into motion.
It requires 60 minutes of your life and takes you through five stages:Stage 1: Breathing
Stage 2: Catharsis
Stage 3: Jumping and Shouting the mantra “Hoo”
Stage 4: Silence
Stage 5: Celebration Through Dance
Aha! See the final stage? CELEBRATION THROUGH DANCE.
I haven’t come across many meditations out there which include intentional, invitational CELEBRATION. I LOVE THIS!
Outside of dynamic meditation, you have other rituals that evoke a sense of lightness, gratitude, and shimmer within your soul. If not, this is your prompt to return to Practice #1: Noticing Joy When It Shows Up. Yes, begin pondering your Joy Triggers.
As you notice what lifts your heart, makes you want to dance a jig, and generally spreads warmth throughout your body, write it down. Therein, you will build your list of Joy Triggers.
Some of my Joy Rituals or Joy Triggers include:
Gratitude Journaling (which I’ve written about here)
Exploring New Coffee Shops
Massage (especially Thai Massage)
Sensual Dance
Book Clubs
Freshly-baked Challah
Surprising others with gifts
Writing “Thank You” notes
Long hikes in the mountains
But still, I really do dare you to try the OSHO Dynamic Meditation. If it feels too daunting to do alone, look for an upcoming sign-up for my guided Dynamic Meditation Event (held solo and within retreats). In these experiences, you are definitely not alone…50+ of us will be dancing and meditating together 😀.
Whatever your Joy Practice Du Jour, the intention is to allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into your Noticing of the uprising, up-swelling, and invocation to Feel Celebration Within.
Remember, the intent of Joy is not to show off your celebration in any fancy way. The intent is to simply and beautifully give yourself the conditions to flourish within. Noticing your own dance within is the reward in itself.
“Remember, the intent of Joy is not to show off your celebration in any fancy way. The intent is to simply and beautifully give yourself the conditions to flourish within. Noticing your own dance within is the reward in itself. ”
Happy happy, joy joy, joy joy, happy happy.
May you connect to Joy in this moment, and in all moments of your Life!
In Jiggly Joy,
Coach Abbs