“And the time came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

— Anaïs Nin

Do you have an important message to share with the world? It is a rhetorical question; yes, you do. Keep reading to learn how to liberate that limerick, lesson, love letter, liaison, and/or passionate message pouncing in your soul.

The throat is the pipeline between the head and the heart. A place where what we create and what we feel intersect and can flow.

But, sometimes it is hard to let that truth flow from your windpipes. Especially as a woman. Maybe you can relate.

Be it voicing an opinion…
Be it voicing a feeling of un-safety…
Be it voicing a question that you are ultra curious about…
Be it voicing an interest in another person…
Be it voicing an idea for a business…

You feel a sense of cardiognosis* flowing up from your heart…inspiration rising, and then…chhh, chhh, chhh…it gets jammed.


Artist credit: nineravenstudio

Your most authentic message gets caught in a web of Conditioning 🕸 , which declares:

  • You are not allowed to say that.” (The Tyrant)

  • You, how dare you think that!” (The Judge)

  • You are going to embarrass yourself.” (The Cynic)

  • You are crazy for thinking that.” (The Bully)

  • You don’t have anything worth saying.” (The Hater)

If you view the above examples like you would a picture in Highlight’s Magazine, you’ll see YOU are the common denominator.

Circle yourself and it’s time to go to work within.

That Collective Voice of shitty messages exampled above is the weak expression of what is called the Shadow, most basically described as the parts of ourselves that we deem unacceptable. Hence, we keep those self-aspects in the shadows.

Carl Jung described the Shadow as “the block which separates us most effectively from the divine voice."

The Shadow, however, is like a slingshot sticky hand that will grab onto whatever society says that matches it’s antagonistic nature. So the teacher who told you you couldn’t say something…the parent who shamed you for thinking something…the friend who told you not to go on stage…the popular guy on YouTube who called you a lunatic…the boss who told you that your idea was lame.

You must recognize that this Collective Voice is not all you, but exists within you (again, the common denominator). The fantastic news/opportunity here is that once you recognize this—that all of these messages don’t really “belong” to you, you’ve already grown. From this place of separation—where we can really see which messages stick to our soul and which stick to society, we can teach ourselves to practice clearer, freer self-expression.

But, as Napoleon Hill said “knowledge is only potential power.”

The Shadow’s gaggle of afraid and persistent parts will continue to congregate in your throat, gossip, and generate dumb wildfire, bullshit falsities that society has shaped you to believe, and those “false truths” will continue to work against you until you do two very important, brave things to shine light on the shadow. Two steps that I am impelling you to take today:

  1. Feel in your heart the love that is far more powerful than the fear, then call it up to your throat space.

  2. Become aware of the non-judgmental, pure awareness of your own awareness (meta-awareness) , then send it down into your throat space.

The result is something magical yet real: you permit yourself to speak freely. Your authentic voice flows.

Artist credit: Josephine Hall

Hopefully you are a visual person, because I am going to keep running full-steam with flying colors with these visualizations.

When your throat is closed and unfree, it is as if it is a realm of a hungry ghost (credit to Buddhism and Gabor Maté for this concept), who is black, damp, and vicious, like a tornado, swirling around and stealing your vital energy. Anything that tries to pass through is shredded, diverted, stolen away.

When your throat is open and free, that space is like a clear blue channel—a stream, of Truth, that doesn’t give a damn about what other people think and has no dams blocking it’s expression.


When the Shadow’s Collective Voice lingers too long in the throat’s center, it’s potential messages devolve into a lower frequency energy state—creating a habitat of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, hesitation, frustration, aggression, and guilt.

When the Light (opposite of the Shadow) floods the throat’s center, it’s potential messages evolve into a higher frequency energy state—creating a habitat of clarity, confidence, decisiveness, peace, honesty, and fluidity.


Imagine if you could get that black energy to clear, and allowed the blue energy beneath to serve you on your journey?


Start today. Start N:OW.

Start with this Ground Energy Release meditation, a la my friend and tremendous light worker Ann Bruinsma, which guides you to find the energy that is trapped in your body, feel it and connect with it, intensify it, then send it back into the Earth where it can be recycled into something beneficial. It’s powerful, people!

It may seem like you are “doing nothing” by “just” connecting to the energy in your body and using your brain and heart to direct it, shift it, transmute it, release it, etc. But YOU ARE DOING POWERFUL WORK.

Do not knock it until you try it.

Your throat, your voice—the center of attention in this post, can return to the open vessel of expression that it was designed to be. But, living in this world, it does require clearing, cleansing, and “Spring cleaning” what’s not yours over and over again.

To return to the authentic YOU, if nothing further.

I strongly believe that every person has a message to share with the world. A gift inside of your beautiful heart that can be packaged and shared in some way to make the world a better place. That is why I am sitting here typing this article in this moment.

You feel me, darlin’?

TAKE THIS: You deserve to awaken and permit your inner carrier pigeon (a Light part) to go the distance across the bumpy skies of Shadow parts, risking the illusory injuries of speaking up (enter: “how embarrassing!” “how crazy!” “how weird!” “how taboo!”) which, in truth, is a brave, bold risk to heal and brighten the your inner world and all of the world around you.


Remember, this silent work you are doing—tuning in somatically, viscerally, ever-so-deeply into where your channels are blocked, is being seen by the Universe, upgrading you, and paying off in dividends further than you could possibly think of.

In closing, please know that your voice is a necessary in this world.

It is a weapon, and you can choose whether it is a weapon of healing or destruction.

In this post, you’ve been given the tools to contact the energies flowing between your head and heart and release what is not yours. To Spring Clean your Throat Chakra. To open up the channel from which your roar, your poetry, your avant garde business ideas, your unique perspective, and your prerogative may flow.

In the next post in this series, I will guide you into how to get crystal clear on what it is you are dying to say so you may bring your truest voice forth. One step at a time, sister :D.

*a spiritual gift inside of the heart/the heart’s intuition