We take our breathing for granted.

It’s the one thing we can do both consciously and subconsciously, but we definitely do not take enough advantage of the conscious toggles of it.

To get a better workout, session after session after session, you’ll need to learn how to breathe better and well.

I am hosting a “Breakthrough With Breath” Workshop on April 30, 2023 from 8-10 am at Summit Strong in Denver, CO for those who would like to get a nitty-gritty breakdown of how to breathe during every.single.phase. of you workout for optimal enjoyment and performance!

In this primer, I’m sharing the why. You will get to experience and absorb the how during the workshop! I made this awesome infographic to describe 8 stellar reasons to breath better throughout your workouts.



Well, don’t hold your breath.

Sign up for this workshop or schedule a 1:1 call with me so we can figure out where you are starting and how to get you to that peaceful, successful, powerful place you want to be in.

Adios til next post.

In Flow,

Coach Abby