I was inspired by a conversation with a brand new friend and soul brother to write this post. To him, thank you.
When I traveled to and through Southeast Asia six years ago, I brought four books with me. I left book #5 at Laguardia before jetting from New York to the first stop of the journey, which was Israel. While I was in Thailand, I accumulated two or three more books. Soon, my backpack became quite heavy. Actually, my one backpack turned into two.
It was a hot and sunny morning (typical for Phuket) when I was talking to at-the-time a new friend, bunkmate, and soul sister, Astiana, that I realized I had to let go of some shit. Not just the excess clothing in my backpacks, but…the books, too 😢
I was way quicker to let go of the leggings and yoga tops than the novels.
There was a kindred attachment to the stories, morals, and inspiration in those books. So I thought.
But, I recognized I would have to let go of some of the weight if I wanted to save my spine and myself from the immense stress of lugging around two backpacks (one on my back, one front-side) during my travels.
I had an idea.
Why not ask Astiana to record a video of me sharing the key lessons I learned from each book and how each book transformed me? So we went to filming.
I did a short segment on each book, almost an homage meets eulogy, and then I set the book aside—one by one.
I would donate the books to the hostel I was staying in for future passers-through to read.
When I find the video of the recording I will add it here.
Of course, as I continued my journey, my curious brain and sometimes sticky fingers hooked to more books. But I’d keep them then let them go.
The main lesson learned in this key epoch of my life was that—when you are inspired and when you deliberately consume content with an open heart and open mind, the lesson stays in you. The inspiration becomes one with the stream of your blood. The moral of the story gets woven into the fabric of your DNA. The images and illustrations and metaphors become flashes in your mind that remind you of how to show up moment to moment.
In short, the reading is never lost.
Just like the body keeps the score of trauma, it also keeps score of inspiration and evolution. You won’t forget the feeling of ecstasy you felt when the protagonist did the heroic thing. You won’t forget the feeling of vigor you felt when the underdog faced and blazed through his fear. You won’t forget the feeling of regeneration you felt when a character forgave herself and you, too, gave yourself permission to forgive yourself.
You simply won’t.
Your body remembers the books you read.
You can give up things and be changed by them forever. I’m not saying I’m perfect; heck, I even started this post with 5 books but had to include 6.
Here are 5 books (some from that trip to and through Southeast Asia) that have broadened and wisened my life, that I unconsciously carry embody every damn day:
The Way of The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Women Who Run With The Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.
A Life Without Limits: A World Champion’s Journey by Chrissie Wellington
Iron War: Dave Scott, Mark Allen, and The Greatest Race Ever Run by Matt Fitzgerald
The Wedge by Scott Carney
Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl
The Choice: Embrace The Impossible by Dr. Edith Eva Eger
You have no idea how hard it is to not just sit here all day and write a love letter list of all of the books that have positively changed me.
But, I wanted to share the essence of this message: what you read will be with you forever, as well as offer some really amazing, mind-opening, hero-inspiring, life-giving, empowering books with me that might just empower you, too.
In Embodiment,
Coach Abby