The "You Are Unique" Letter


The "You Are Unique" Letter



It’s normal, but sometimes our social circles judge us for it.

Often times, we can feel wrong for sacrificing fun social events for sweat-soaked workouts. But that is what the race, event, etc. requires. That’s the lifestyle we love and adore.

Give your loved one, partner, cousin, friend, teammate the refreshing message opposite of what society has been feeding them: that they are not wrong rather wonderful for their choice to accomplish something great. That their contribution to the world as an athlete is meaningful and valued.

Hearing something as simple as:
-”I Love You Exactly As You Are.”
-”You Make Me Dream Bigger.”
-”You Are A Light In My Life.”
can create the feeling of ease we need to keep after the things that light us up.

This letter is for the athlete who is feeling judged for…well, being an athlete. We all need to feel accepted for being our authentic selves in this world.

No two letters are the same. Every letter/set of letters is predicated on a 15-minute getting-to-know-you call where I get to know your connection to the athlete and their love language as far as you sense/know. This way I can craft a letter directly to their athletic heart.

When you purchase your letter, you will be prompted to sign up for the 15-min call.

The Fine Print:

  • Letters require 1 week notice for handwritten form (U.S-bound) and 2-days notice for e-mail <3.

  • Additional shipping costs depending on location.

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