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That’s the world we live in.
Subliminal messages of “do this, do that.”
The human psyche was already exposed to this pre-media days—cuz of emotions. We would get jealous of the woman who could run for miles without pain. We would get jealous of the man who could walk around shirtless because he had an eight-pack.
When media hit, things went haywire.
There is no “right” way anymore; but, truth be told, there never was.
My job as a Life Coach is to steer you in the direction of your wildest, freest, strongest, most miraculous life.
Wild hearted. Free minded. Strong willed. and Miracle aligned.
Many of us have caged our hearts off to expansive, explosive, body-shaking love.
Many of us have closed our minds to ideas that excite our neurons and get us moving (heavily-burdened by the air of Judgment).
Many of us have given up our innate worth and right to choose our way forward.
Many of us have chosen to live in the ordinary, body-bound, ego-bound world, missing out completely on the miracles that are happening all the time.
I vehemently disagree when people say Life Coaching is not for everyone.
This is synonymous with saying that Living Your Best Life is not for everyone.
Only a hater, of others or themself, would say that.
If you think that—there is some deep shadow work for you to do.
-why won’t you let your heart open?
-why won’t you give up some of your stubborn ideas of what is right?
-why won’t you let yourself choose to express yourself the way you feel inspired to?
-why won’t you allow yourself to experience the miracles of every day?
I believe it was Carl Jung who said that the root of successful psychological work is to point to the thing you are avoiding. That’s it. Clear cut. Where is the arrow of your avoidance pointing to?
Think about it in terms of your body.
Is it in your heart?
Is it in your head?
Is it in your genital area?
Is it in your hands and/or feet?
What’s cool is that…in the way I approach Life Coaching, your body has ALL of the answers—you simply have to be brave enough to listen, tend to, and heal up.
There is an entire field of psychology called somatic awareness that utilizes this genius.
By spending time noticing where you host energy in your body, the color of that energy, the temperature of that energy, and inquiring if that energy has a message to speak, you can learn a f*ckton about yourself.
But I get it.
In our ordinary world, we are not familiarized with these bountiful body-intelligence excavating practices.
In our ordinary world, we are not encouraged to go beyond the ego and into the darkness.
In our ordinary world, we are not shown very often what it looks like to let your body lead the way.
In my coaching practice, that’s exactly what I do.
Nutrition: When it comes to nutrition, you do know exactly which foods make you thrive.
Mindset: When it comes to mindset, you do know exactly where your mental blocks are.
Meditation: When it comes to noticing who you are, you do know exactly how your personality has shaped up over your lifetime.
Movement: When it comes to movement, you do know exactly which movements make you feel great, and that lack of movement makes you feel crusty, old, and decrepit.
Tribe: When it comes to tribe, you do know exactly which vibe you vibe with and the people who make you feel safe, supported, and inspired.
Breathwork: When it comes to breathing, you do know exactly how much you are not breathing and how much more you could be breathing.
Altogether, you do know the nutrients you are missing and the nutrients that make you thrive.
The process is simple but HARD FUCKING WORK.
I help you return to the truest version of you, without the mental blocks, shitty foods, poor beliefs, stagnancy, loneliness, and fear.
I help you rise above the addictions of your emotions, free your mind from your body, and become exactly who you want to be.
I help you help yourself develop the generosity of spirit that your spirit naturally gravitates towards in its homeostasis—wanting to see you succeed and smile with flying colors.
If you are ready for this journey, I’d love to chat with you.
If you are feeling a knot somewhere in your body, I’d love to chat with you.
In the Precision Nutrition curriculum, students are taught to ask clients to rank their level of the following (0 being the least, 10 being the most):
In my humble and intuitive opinion, this is just an exercise. You gotta sink into what you know to be true in the depths of your soul, honey.
You could mark down a 3 for all of these, out of feeling fear and rushed, afraid of the unknown. Classic self-sabotage move, eh?
You could mark down a 10 for all of those, out of wanting to impress the coach, not tuning into how you actually feel. Another form of self-sabotage, tbr.
Anyhow, back to the main point.
We all need guides and coaches—whatever title you want to use…people, with the knowledge, expertise, and a talent to take us from our places of heaviness and limitation to wholeness and levity. From the hidden version of ourselves to the vulnerable, naked, raw, and free version of ourselves.
But YOU have to be the one to choose to journey inward and pull yourself out.
I love the Russian doll analogy, except take it to exponential lengths. There is an authentic version of you sitting in your core—informed by your soul, that is dying to climb out of all of the shells you’ve built around it.
If you are ready to come undone, and take that brave step, click here and hire me.